Potato and avocado Bottarga salad | Bottarga.com|Botargo|Botarga|but?riga|poutargue|Boutargue|botarga

Potato and avocado Bottarga salad

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  • Potato and avocado Bottarga salad
  • Potato and avocado Bottarga salad
  • Potato and avocado Bottarga salad
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A word from the cook

Half kg of potatoes
One stalk of Spring onion
Juice from half a lemon
Two spoons of oil
One avocado
5 cm Bottarga slices
Salt according to taste


In order to start the fish roe recipe we first need to cook the potatoes, they should be soft but not mushy. Next stage of the fish roe recipe, take the avocado, and slice it into thick chunks. The next and last stage of the fish roe recipe (you see how easy it is) is simply to take ingredients we have mentioned above-and mix them all together. At the end of this fish roe recipe you will get a tasty and refreshing salad that is suitable for every meal.

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